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Tea grades in Sri Lanka
 / Ceylon Tea  / Tea grades in Sri Lanka
29 Apr

Tea grades in Sri Lanka

 Sri Lankan tea cultivation spreads over 188,000 hectares and takes harvest of “made” Tea about 298,000 tons. Sri Lanka owed more than 19% of world exports. Before 1972 Sri Lanka was known as Ceylon. Nowadays, the word “Ceylon” is used as a tea brand name.

Sri Lanka has diversified climatic conditions. Thus based on agro-climatic districts such as Dimbula, Uva, Nuwara Eliya, Uda Pussellawa, Kandy, and Ruhuna, teas got their unique taste, style, and character.


Types of Tea


This agro-climatic district is the most famous name in Ceylon on Tea and is considered the central planting district in Sri Lanka. The district spreads from around 3500ft to 5000ft above sea level in its western slopes. The valleys and the mountains extend from Bogawantalwa and Maskeliya bordering the Adams Peak wilderness to Hatton, Dickoya, and Talawakelle, Nanuoya to the west boundary of Nuwara Eliya. It also extends up to Agrapatana bordering the Horton Planes.

The district receives the southwestern monsoonal rains, which impact the Dimbula Tea’s quality is due to the cold nights and dry weather from January to March bring about a range of teas from full-bodied to light, delicate flavor in different valleys.

The sub-district which falls within the Dimbula Agro Climatic District are; 

Hatton / Dickoya, Bogawantalwa – also known as the “Golden Valley,” 

Upcot / Maskeliya -which is at the foothills of sacred Adams Peak Mountain, 

Patana/ Kotagala, Nanu Oya / TalawakelleAgrapatana – situated more towards the eastern range, Punadaluu Oya, Ramboda – famous for the breathtaking waterfalls.


Uva Agro Climatic Planting district is situated on the eastern slopes of the central hills of Sri Lanka. Here, Tea is grown from 3000 to 5000ft above mean sea level. The district is famous for its distinctive pungency and flavor during the Quality season from July to September each year, which are sought after by the connoisseurs of tea world over.

The sub-districts are 

Malwatte / Welimada -the well-known world over for the teas of pungent character produced during the quality season, 

Demodara/ Hali Ela/ Badulla is more into the central Uva District, with the capital being at Badulla. 

Passara / Lunugala, Madulsima, Ella/ Namunukula – situated on the slopes of Naminukula mountain range which is the tallest mountain in Uva, 

Bandarawela / Poonagalla, Haputale – situated at the edge of the central hills 

Koslanda / Haldummulla is situated at the foothills of the central hills.

Uda Pussellawa:

Uda Pussellawa mountain range rises from Uva District’s boundary to the lower end and joins up to Nuwara Eliya Planting District at the highest point. It receives the North East Monsoon rains in the Uva District but does not produce the same quality and flavor.

The estates near the Nuwara Eliya benefit from the cold weather conditions and are famous for producing Tea with “Rosy Liquor.”

The sub-districts are; 

Maturata and Ragala / Halgran Oya.

Nuwara Eliya:

Nuwara Eliya is a plateau at an elevation of 6240ft above sea level. The freshness and cold weather of the air always smelled with the fragrance of cypress that grows in abundance in the area without any doubt helps produce a tea sought after by connoisseurs of tea world over. The Tea itself is light in a cup with exquisite flavor and aroma.


The district responsible for the origin of the plantation industry in Sri Lanka, firstly Coffee and Tea. The plantations are spread out from an elevation of 2000 – 4000ft above sea level and fall within the Mid Grown Elevation Category.

The product is of a full-bodied, color and strong Tea.

The sub-districts are; 

Pussellawa / Hewaheta and Matale, which includes plantations in Madulkelle, Knuckles, and Rangala mountain range.


Tea grows from sea level to around 2000ft above and is considered a low-grown elevation category.

The Tea’s uniqueness is the blackness and the strength and character in the cup with a stylish range of green teas.

The district is amid the national heritage forest reservee “Sinharaja,” a pleasant atmosphere is because of this forest reserve for the plantations bordering the reserve.

This area mainly receives South West Monsoon rains, and the tea bushes grow freely under the fertile soils and the warm weather conditions of the district.

The sub-districts are 

Ratnapura/ Balangoda – The Sinharaja forest reserve well protects this sub-district from the strong winds that accompany South West Monsoon rains.

Deniyaya – Located to the south of Ratnapura. 

Matara – Located to the south of Deniyaya.

Galle – Tea is grown in this sub-district in fragrant spice cultivations, Rubber, and Oil Palm.

Ruhuna tea

What is BOPF tea?

BOPF stands for “Broken Orange Pekoe Fannings’, which is the most common grade found in Sri Lanka. This fine Ceylon tea comes as clean, neat, and smaller leaves. Smaller than BOP leaves, slightly larger than dust, and brews a relatively strong liquor. Generally, BOPF is used for a fine cup of plain Tea or even accompanied by milk and sugar.

Tea quality standards


The primary quality parameters that are tested in made Tea include Theaflavins (TF), High polymerized substances (HPS), Thearubigins (TR), Total soluble solids (Water extract), and Total liquor color (TLC). TF has a direct correlation with price realization and quality. TF contributes towards the briskness and brightness of tea liquor. During fermentation, TF progressively increases till an optimum fermentation time, the period at which maximum quality can be observed. Other than this having maximum value for TF, there has to be a proper balancing of the liquor parameters. The guideline states that TR’s importance to be ten to twelve times as that of TF can be followed. TR are complex condensation products of oxidized catechins with TF. Both HPS, TR increases the mouthfeel, color, and body of the tea liquor. The highest levels of TR indicate over fermentation. Similarly, the highest levels of HPS and TLC also imply over fermentation. Low ranks of TR indicate under fermentation, and the liquor tastes harsh.


Parameters such as catechin and caffeine play an essential role in Tea’s quality and require minimum stipulation. Caffeine is a relatively stable molecule, and it acts as a direct stimulant of the Central Nervous System. Together with TF, it imparts briskness to the tea liquor. Caffeine level increases during processing and high levels of caffeine indicate a good leaf standard (caffeine decreases with the crop shoots’ maturity). Water extractor TSS has a direct influence on the cup page. Higher values of TSS indicate the best quality of the raw material.


The above high-quality parameters, color indices, and briskness evolved at update tri correlate well with the satisfaction of made tea. Briskness index is given as a percentage ratio of TF to TF+CAF, and the available range for south Indian CTC tea is above 23. The color index is furnished as the percent ratio of TF to TR+HPS, and the regular variety for south Indian CTC teas is from five to eleven. Teas with most TF and a balanced TR/TF ratio (10 to 12) with the most reliable briskness and coloration indices could have excellent fine.


Though the PFA (Preventive of Food Adulteration) Act needs significantly limits for Tea and, to a great extent, restrict adulteration, the various parameters listed under PFA requirements cannot be solely taken as quality standards for different teas. Setting quality standards to prepare tea arises due to many factors influencing the quality, starting from the raw material to the variations in producing conditions.


Tea way the tea derived totally and entirely produced by correct procedure considerably formation and drying, from the buds,  leaves, and delicate stems of the species of cultivated “camellia,” regarded as suitable for making tea for intake a beverage. Tea shall also comply with requirements distinctive in the following table wherein all the desires are expressed based on the cloth oven-dried at 103o C (+ or -2oC) by way of the method defined in is 3852.


Characteristic Requirement Method of Test Ref. No.
Water extract, percent by mass, Min 32.0 IS 13862
Total ash, percent by mass 4.0 – 8.0 IS 13854
Water-soluble ash, water of total ash, percent by mass, Min 4.0 IS 13855
The alkalinity of water-soluble ash (as K2O), percent by mass 1.0 – 2.2 IS 13856
Acid insoluble ash, percent by mass, Max 1.0 IS 13857
Crude fibre, percent by mass, Max 17.0 IS 10226 (Pt 1)
Lead, mg / kg, Max 10.0 IS 12074 32.0 IS 13862
Copper , mg / kg, Max 150.0 IS 11123 32.0 IS 13862

PESTICIDE RESIDUE LIMITS FOR TEA (See also pesticide residues)

Dicofol, mg / kg, Max 5.0 IS 14629
Ethion, mg / kg, Max 5.0 IS 11773
Quinolphos, mg / kg, Max 0.01 IS 14437

Types of tea in Sri Lanka

Black tea

Black tea is the famous top shape of Ceylon tea. The leaves are hand-plucked by using the masterful woman tea pluckers to make black tea. The handpicking makes sure that they pick out the most effective two leaves and a bud in large quantities. Those leaves are then withered, rolled and fermented, then dried, and sifted.

After the sifting is carried out, the leaves are separated into exclusive grades. The enormous wiry leaves are known as orange pekoe, observed with the aid of lots of different grades until dust grade. Each grade of black tea has a distinct color and intensity.

Following are some black tea types:

  • English Breakfast
  • English Afternoon
  • Irish Breakfast
  • Earl Grey
  • Lapsang Souchong
  • Spiced Masala
  • Rose and French Vanilla
  • Black tea with berries

Black tea cup

Green tea

Green tea is some other popular class of Ceylon tea. It’s gaining greater recognition now. Making green tea is instead one-of-a-kind from black tea, although it comes from the same type of plant. For the processing of inexperienced tea, the leaves are unfermented to hold their antioxidant traits. After the leaves are picked, withered, and heated, then rolled in advance than drying and sifting. One amazing pleasant of Ceylon inexperienced tea is that it’s also natural and smooth, much like black tea.

Following are some of the varieties of green tea that you can find in Sri Lanka:

  • Real Leaf Green Tea
  • Jasmine Green Tea
  • Mint Green Tea
  • Lemongrass Green Tea

White tea

White tea is a unique type of Ceylon tea. For this reason, it’s additionally the most highly-priced. The harvesting manner is what makes it unique. For white tea, most effective, the buds are plucked, that too very delicately at dawn. Those buds aren’t fermented in any respect and are hand-rolled, in my view. White tea is the handiest type of tea that is homemade. The coloration of the white tea is diffused and light. It has a lot of much less caffeine and more excellent antioxidants than green or black tea. This makes white tea one of the healthiest drinks. Likewise, white tea is called “silver guidelines” and may be determined in free leaf or pyramid bags at all tea shops in Sri Lanka.

Main Grades 

BOP – Broken Orange Pekoe – Small or broken pieces of leaves

A famous leaf size enables to carry out a good balance of taste and energy. Well made, neat leaf of medium height without immoderate stalk or fiber. There should now not be any excellent debris (fanning & dirt) that aren’t authentic-to-grade.

BOPF – Broken Orange Pekoe Fanning’s – Smaller than BOP leaves, broken leaf, slightly larger than dust

Particles are smaller than BOP, popular within the higher elevations. Taste stronger than BOP while retaining all other characteristics.


Orange Pekoe – Same Style but small than OPA


Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe – Same style of BOP but slightly bigger and consisting few tips


Twisted and Coarse


Same style, but small in size than the Pekoe


Orange Pekoe ‘A’ – A good quality tea, consisting of large and slightly open leaf pieces


Orange Pekoe One – More Wiry than OP


Broken Orange Pekoe one – Wiry and small than OP1


Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe one – Little small than the BOP1


Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe Fanning’s – Similar to the BOP leaf but firm leaf and consisting few tips


Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe Fanning’s one – Similar to the BOPF but firm leaf and consisting Little more tips then FBOPF1


Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe Fanning’s Special – Similar to the FBOPF1 but firm and more black leaf with much better tips, prices are high


Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe Fanning’s Extra Special – Similar to FBOP1 but firm and more black leaf with much better leafy tips, expensive than


Dust – Similar to D1 but will appear slightly brown powder leaves price must be low


Dust 1 – The smallest of particles smaller than Fanning’s leaves

CTC Teas (cut, tear, curl)

BPS – Broken Pekoe Special – Even curl pieces

BP1 – Broken Pekoe 1- Little smaller than BPS

BPL – Broken Pekoe Leaf – Even leaf pieces

PF1 – Pekoe Fanning’s 1 – Similar to BP1 but small pieces

PD – Pekoe Dust – The smallest of particles smaller than PF1 leaves

White Tea

Silver Tips – These teas are small, unopened leaves of the tea plant. These tips are also commonly known as “buds,” although they do not form flowers and also appear silver mixed white color

Golden Tips – Similar to silver tips, color appear as gold mixed white

Off Grades

BOP 1A – Broken Orange Pekoe one A– Weight Less Large leaves

BM – Broken Mix – Smaller than BOP 1A’s

FNGS – Fanning’s broken leaves, slightly larger than dust

FNGS 1 – Fanning’s broken leaves, somewhat larger than FNGS

PFNGS – Fanning’s broken leaves, slightly larger than dust

PFNGS 1 – Fanning’s broken leaves, slightly larger than PFNGS

BP – Broken Pekoe – Broken Stems

Green Teas

CH – Chunmee – Curl twisted pieces smaller than GP Sp

GP1 – Gun Powder 1 – Twisted and Coarse similar to Pekoe but color must be green

GP2 – Gun Powder 2 – Little opened coarse slightly bigger than GP1

GP Sp – Gun Powder Special – Bloom Curl twisted pieces more significant than CH

GC – Green Curl – Opened coarse, more dark color leaves

SW – Sowmee – Even and neat opened pieces

Sencha – consists of the tiny dark green needle-shaped pieces

GTFF – Green Tea Flowery Fanning’s – Similar to the BOPF firm leaf but Green color consisting of little tips

GTFF1 – Green Tea Flowery Fanning’s 1 – Similar to the GTFF but a little more prominent in size

GRP – Green Tea Powder – Powder type tea last part of the manufacture

Herbal tea

Herbal tea isn’t undoubtedly crafted from tea-that could be a unique sort of plant. The French use the phrase tisane that could be a touch extra correct, thinking about herbal tea is genuinely clearly an infusion of leaves, seeds, roots, or bark, extracted in heat water. In consuming a well-steeped herbal tea, we get all the plant’s benefits without trouble digestible shape.

‘In numerous ways, we’d get extra advantage from an amazing natural tea than from a vitamin pill,’ says herbalist Marianne Beacon of Elderberry Herbals in Peterborough, Ont. “You’re getting the advantages of hydration. There’s the social element: Tea is something that you could proportion with humans. And when you’re consuming herbal tea, you get aromatherapy at the equal time, and that’s something you don’t get from a pill!’

That’s why Toronto-primarily based herbalist Marcia Dixon says herbal tea ought to usually be steeped in a blanketed vessel to include the beneficial essential oils. ‘otherwise, your room smells quality, but you aren’t preserving the medicinal residences.’

If you’re ingesting tea for medicinal advantages, virtually steer actual merchandise that uploads such things as essential oils or flavors. And to get the real benefits from drinking herbal tea, ensure you steep your unfastened tea or tea luggage long sufficient in a few instances, as long as 10 to 15 mins to bring out all the healthy residences.

‘every time you’re eating something, you’re giving your body the building blocks it needs to manufacture tissues and hormones,’ says Dixon. ‘in case you drink tea each day, you could make all forms of sizable modifications in your mood, your skin, your feel of well-being and power.’

There are so many extraordinary natural teas to choose from. Some examples are Peppermint tea, Ginger tea, Chamomile tea, Rooibos tea, Lemon balm tea, Milk thistle and dandelion tea, Rosehip tea.

Herbal tea

Organic Ceylon Tea

Sri Lankan tea planters have prioritized the sustainability and safety of the atmosphere that carries tea gardens, seeing the beginning of the Ceylon Tea industry. In line with the traditions of sustainability and conservation, Ceylon Tea cultivators have now adopted organic tea production to provide a purer flavor this is also better for the surroundings.

Guided by the global Federation of organic Agriculture motion (IFOAM) and authorized by USDA natural, ECOCERT IMO, and manipulate Union Certifications, organic Ceylon Tea is freed from artificial fertilizers, herbicides, and insecticides. Natural Ceylon Tea also complies with Japanese Agriculture requirements (JAS), ECU financial network (EEC 2092 / ninety-one) certifications (ECU).
Organic Ceylon Tea cultivation combines conventional information, agricultural innovation, and science to advantage the shared environment, promote honest relationships and exact first-rate of lifestyles for all stakeholders to tea plantation workers, to customers and those and animals who proportion the equal biosphere.

Tea grading chart

Orthodox Tea

Whole leaf Grades Brokens Fannings
FTGFOP – Fine, Tippy golden flowery orange pekoe


GFBOP – Golden flowery broken orange pekoe


GOF – Golden orange fannings


TGFOP – Tippy golden flowery orange pekoe


FBOP – Flowery broken orange pekoe


FOF – Flowery orange fannings


TGFOP 1 – Tippy golden flowery orange pekoe one


GBOP – Golden broken orange pekoe


BOPF – Broken orange pekoe fannings


GFOP – Golden flowery orange pekoe


BOP 1 – Broken orange pekoe one


OF – Orange fannings


FOP – Flowery orange pekoe


Dust – OPD Orthodox pekoe dust


OP – Orange pekoe BPS – Broken pekoe souchang OD Orthodox dust

OCD – Orthodox churamoni dust

FD – Fine dust

 CTC Tea

Brokens Fannings Dust
BOP – Broken orange pekoe OF – Orange fannings PD – Pekoe dust
BP – Broken pekoe PF – Pekoe fannings
D – Dust
BPS – Broken pekoe souchang PF 1 – Pekoe fannings one CD – Churamoni dust
PD 1 – Pekoe dust one
D1 – Dust one
RD – Red dust


FD – Fine dust

Green Tea

Whole Leaf Brokens Fannings Dust
YH – Young hyson GP – Gun powder FH – Fine hyson Dust – Dust
FYH – Fine young hyson H – Hyson
Soumea – Soumea

BOP tea Sri Lanka

BOP: Broken Orange Pekoe – A broken-leaf tea. A lovely Ceylon broken Orange Pekoe and a classic unfastened leaf tea from Sri Lanka.

An advanced full-bodied BOP tea with a neat, properly-made leaf of medium length and deep color from cautiously selected seasonal production. Slight and aromatic in flavor, with a dark cup and a slight candy flavor.A supremely proper price of loose leaf tea.

BOPF tea price in Sri Lanka

  • Premium BOPF Tea 500g Pack. Rs. 750.
  • Mabroc 1kg BOPF Tea. Rs. 1,150.
  • Loose Black Tea BOPF 500g Economy Pack. Rs. 480.
  • Loose Tea Orange Pekoe 500g Pack. Rs. 900.

BP tea price

BP black tea grade produces inside the approach of CTC.

 It’s miles a quicker way of manufacturing a fashionable exceptional of tea.

To fabricate the CTC type tea, freshly harvested entire tea leaves feeds into the CTC machines. 

Then the machines weigh down, tear and curl them and manner in a length of just about hours. 

Consequently, it produces small brown nuggets kind tea.

CTC Tea is usually robust, and low, and mid-grown tea areas use the CTC technique for tea in Sri Lanka.

Our damaged Pekoe black tea gives an entirely robust taste with or without milk. That is one of the pinnacle-dealers in center east tea customers.

50 Kilogram(s)- USD $8.50 per Kilogram(s) FOB

Market share of tea brands in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is renowned for its first-rate high tea and because the 3rd biggest tea generating Sri Lanka globally, has a manufacturing proportion of 9% in the worldwide sphere, and one of the world’s Leading exporters with a percentage of around 23% of the global call for.

Our tea industry demonstrates that the variety of tea dealers is relatively much less and entry barriers are also excessive due to the authorities’ policies and taxations. This ends in an Oligopoly marketplace globally for Sri Lanka’s tea industry, where we’ve got a near replacement coffee. However, to enter the firm, nations ought to have the natural endowment for the tea industry. The exchange of knowledge in the tea enterprise is processing. At the same time, our plantation Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe visited Kenya and compared both systems of the nations with the agriculture minister Dr. Sally Kosgei of Kenya.

We can assume there can be exchanges of understanding in this enterprise in the future due to the joint mission of unfastened lands for coconut cultivation from Sri Lanka in alternate of repurchasing the crops. The high amount of exporters globally like Kenya, India, China, and Indonesia shows the number of corporations for this shape.


Which grade of tea is of the finest quality?

To perceive the most premium quality teas, one will need to make a word of 4 elements – sight, touch, odor, and flavor. The tea leaves are great while they are unbroken and processed as an entire. Occasionally, tea producers use a complex production process that rids the tea of its diffused flavors for you to reduce charges. At our shop, we use a sensitive method so that each tea leaf is dealt with with care. As for the contact, the tea leaves have to feel a little bulky and textural. Top rate pleasant leaves experience smooth and entire.

High-quality teas have an excellent and robust aroma. Similarly, teas that might be of excellent quality have to provide the tea drinker with a beautiful, multi-layered flavor. Top-class perfect teas provide nuanced flavors which are both flavourful and refreshing.

In our online tea shop, you will find a range of various top-rate teas. We are devoted to picking the best-first-class tea leaves and customizing them to give you exceptional flavor. We have an extensive selection of tea leaves that are handpicked or loose and processed using experts. You could discover a range of teas that include black tea, inexperienced tea, natural tea, flavored black, inexperienced tea, fruit tea, honest tea, oolong tea, and rooibos tea. In case you are seeking to purchase excellent premium teas, you may locate the high-quality selection in our save.

What is BOPF tea?

BOPF stands for “damaged Orange Pekoe Fannings’, which is the most not unusual grade in Sri Lanka. This excellent Ceylon tea comes as neat, clear, and smaller leaves. BOPF stands for “broken Orange Pekoe Fannings’, which is the most not unusual grade in Sri Lanka. This fine Ceylon tea comes as neat, clear, and smaller leaves.

How to check tea quality

The cost of a tremendous cup of tea relies upon, in particular at the excellent of leaves used. If the tea you use has low high-quality leaves, you’re left with a bad-tasting cup of tea that is certain to destroy the complete enjoyment of getting a delicious cup of tea. Tea auctioneers have one-of-a-kind methods of defining the fine of tea, and they use a complicated gadget of grading leaves that might be sold in auctions. However, you needn’t observe this complex system for everyday shopping as it will leave you burdened. There are three main approaches to deciding the first-rate of tea for ordinary shopping: appearance, odor, and flavor.


Watch the leaves when they may be brewed; if they increase uniformly and sink slowly as they may be infused, it is a great ideal tea. Next, you need to examine the coloration of the liquor once brewed. All teas, once brewed, have one-of-a-kind colorings. Black tea needs to be vivid reddish and golden in coloration. If it’s far inexperienced tea, it needs to be emerald or golden in coloration, and if the liquor seems to be a dark brown, then it is a stale inexperienced tea. Likewise, all teas have their one-of-a-kind colors while brewing. If it seems the colors do no longer appear as described, the great of the leaves had been faded.


The next step of determining the satisfactory tea consists of its’ perfume. The smell of tea can say a lot about its’ flavor. Once the tea has been poured, the fragrance will rely upon its’ degree of fermentation. Tea leaves must no longer have a carbon, dehydrated, smoked, or some other odor. If so, that is a positive sign the leaves are of a low nice. Inexperienced Teas need to have a light, clean, soothing fragrance, from a mild orchid to a chest-nutty smell. Black tea should incorporate a sweet, floral perfume and the scent need to now not be without difficulty misplaced.


Of all the approaches to understanding the excellent of tea, the most critical is the first-class of its’ flavor. The flavor can inform you all about the tea, its energy, the sour or candy quality, and its freshness. Black tea has a full-bodied and clean taste. In widespread appropriate tea ought to have a sweet after flavor. It should linger for a significantly longer time after the tea has been tasted. If you cannot flavor a brewed cup of tea, make sure to taste the leaves. In case you take a few and bite, they have to produce a wonderfully mellow and sparkling flavor.
Whatever the tea, it need not collapse effortlessly. If it does, it’s been baked for too lengthy, or the tea is vintage.

How to check green tea quality

Other than the fact that there are maybe extra than a hundred exceptional styles of inexperienced tea within the international. 

The leaves must be as a whole now not being damaged too much. And forget about approximately flavored teas. The essential high-quality of those leaves are typically awful. The handiest aspect for a fantastic green is a hundred% tea go away
Inexperienced tea should be fresh. The most relaxed flavor will live most effectively for 2–6 months inside the leaves after plucking. Cooling or vacuum packing can decorate the long-term freshness of green tea. Usually, ask for the harvest date and situations of storing.

the color of the infusion needs to be inexperienced to yellow in preference to yellow to brown
It’s all about flavor. The fruity, blooming flavor of a fantastic green Tea you could scent properly after the leaves were given in touch with warm water.

The size of the leaves. The smaller the leaves are, the earlier they were plucked and the better they’re (famous first flush teas)

The appearance of the leaves: extensive inexperienced color in mild green (a few Chinese teas) and deep, simple color (inexperienced eastern teas). The floor of the leaves has to be shiny, indicating they’re now not antique and of good excellent. Some teas could have furry leaves showing that the leaves are significantly younger (pointers).

Maximum critical: The flavor. It’s not sour and no longer uninteresting. There are quite a few exceptional flavors certainly in the tea depart from grassy to fruity notes.

Finally, an excellent inexperienced tea may be infused 2–three times without losing taste.


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